Print Your HeART Out is all about monoprinting with the awesomeness that is the Gelli Plate. As usual, the kit comes with everything you’ll need to get started with pulling prints from your very own 5″ plate including papers, paints, brushes, a brayer, a couple of stencils, and texture tools.

With the Print Your HeART Out creative mischief kit you’ll be able to dive right into making prints with the included gelli plate.
The best thing about gelli printing, as far as I’m concerned, is that there’s no one right way to do it. It’s all about getting in there and trying out new things, getting your fingers all covered with ink or paint and seeing what happens.
You can plan your composition on the gelli plate or you can just layer print over print and see where it takes you–like a painted collage! And then you can use the prints you make in cards, scrapbooks, art journals, collage or anything else you can think of. By printing on different materials (fabric, wax paper, etc.) you can get loads of different effects and put those surfaces to all sorts of use.
Can you tell I’ve been having fun experimenting with my gelli plate? It might just be my new favorite thing!
Also available are copies of the book Gelli Prining by Suzanne McNeill. Now I always include instructions, tips, and examples in the kits themselves, but if you want even more inspiration and ideas, this book will give you just that–it’s a great companion to Print Your HeART Out (which is why I laid in a small supply of them).
This deluxe Creative Mischief Kit features products from Plaid, Martha Stewart, Gelli Arts, The Crafters Workshop, Deco Art, and Royal Brush and will be available to order on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.